Peter wrote that believers are "a holy priesthood." What exactly does that mean and what are the privileges and responsibilities for the believer?
We Are God's Temple
Scripture says that the Holy Spirit lives in us. God has better plans for us than just sitting and waiting for Christ's return.
Sharing Living Water
The world is a dry and desolate place. As believers we have the chance to offer it the unlimited supply of healing water that we received from God. How can we hesitate to help?
Encourage One Another
The scripture has a lot to say about how we are to treat one another. Love one another, be kind to one another, be patient with one another. It also instructs us to encourage one another.
Relating To God As Father
Do we see God as a loving Father? Or is He a God who just does things for us when we ask.
God Uses Unqualified People
Ever feel unprepared for the job God asks you to do? Many in scripture felt the same way, but God had a plan for them.
What is real worship? Rev. Tim Brokaw presents four things that will make our worship genuine and personal.
Settling for Less?
Our guest speaker, Mr. Isaac Gale, asks the question "Are we settling for less than God's best in our lives?" God offers us all that we need and more. Are we accepting all God wants for us?
Living in a Pagan World
We have been called by Christ to live in a lost world in order to point them to Him. Are we really committed enough to stand in a pagan culture and declare Him king?
God knew how important rest was to His creation. So, He gave us an example to follow.
How do you think God describes Himself? All powerful? All knowing? All seeing? It is none of these and it probably isn't the first one you would think of.
Waiting on the Lord
As people, waiting is not usually one of our favorite things to do. God often asks us to wait for His perfect time.
Loneliness can be a crippling force in anyone's life. God is always concerned about the loneliness we sometimes experience. He has been from the very beginning.
Resurrection Sunday
Some say the Easter is the most important event on the calendar. So, is Christ's resurrection really that important? YES!
Palm Sunday - The Triumphal Entry
His entrance into Jerusalem was certainly a spectacle but the adoring crowds could not imagine what was to come.
The Beatitudes
Do we hold dear the same character traits that God does for His children? We should look and see if there are some we need to change.
Spiritual War
Our guest this week is Pastor Maurice Gholston.
Each day Satan attacks believers to weaken their faith. Like David we need to rely on God for our strength. Anything we could do will never be enough.
Baptism is more than just "something Christians do". It's a witness that Jesus is Lord of your life.
Spiritual Disciplines pt. 9: Worship
Is worship showing up at church on Sunday and singing a few songs? No, worship is far more than that.
Spiritual Disciplines pt. 8: Christian Fellowship
If believers are the church what does that look like? Support, encouragement and sharing joy and sadness are part of being in the family of God.