The letters to the churches of Asia Minor were varied in content and instructions. The letter to the church in Philidelphia was one of encouragement.
Wake Up
Divided Authority
One of the hardest things to do in life is to stay committed to God's plan for your life. Many things can interfere with your obedience to follow Him. No true believer intends to be disobedient in his walk. But what about the little things that we think are too minor to worry about? It's too easy to allow compromise to creep in. Compromise in the little "unimportant" things can do a lot of damage to your walk with Him.
Be Faithful
While we often think of the early believers were somehow special, the truth is that they were just like us. They struggled each day with living as God desired. The seven churches mentioned in Revelation shows us their successes and their failures.
First Love
Do you remember when you first fell in love with? It was an all-consuming emotion wasn't it. The first thing you thought of in the morning and the last thing you thought of at night. For most believers that's how we felt when we gave our hearts to Jesus and claimed Him as our Lord. But if we're not careful that can all change.
Vision of Christ
The world, and some within the church, see Christ only as a meek and mind man with children sitting on his lap. But in Revelation, John was given a glimpse of a much different Jesus. This was a Christ returning with power and might.
Blessed are those who read, hear and take to heart...
Some Christians think that the book of Revelation is difficult book to study. In certain areas it often is. But as Paul wrote to Timothy, "All scripture is God breathed..." and as believers we should not ignore any part of it simply because it's "difficult". Join us as we walk through Revelation looking for what God wants to show us.
The Seven Churches
The seven churches named in Revelation can teach Christians a lot. Several of the churches were praised for the faithful declaration of God's truth. Most were warned that they needed to turn from their errant ways and return to a life of holiness and following God's plan for their lives. We need to take a close look at our walk with God and be sure that we are walking by His side.
Advent Christ
We celebrate the first advent. The first advent is Christ's birth in Bethlehem. As believers we look forward to the second advent, the return of Christ and the gathering of His church. But what about the present advent? The time we are experiencing now, when Christ lives in our hearts.
Advent Love
Love. A powerful word and emotion. The whole world craves love. But as much as we desire to be loved, do we really know what love is? While we think we know what love is, we don't understand. Only God knows how to truly love. He wants us to learn what His love really is.
Advent Peace
The world seems to be running faster and faster and getting nowhere. Believers can get caught up in the chaos if they're not careful. we have access to the peace that God makes available. If we truly rest in that peace the world will notice and might ask the question that will give us an opportunity to share this good news with them.
Advent Hope
Advent is a special time for the church as we prepare for the celebration of the Christmas season. It gives us reason to think about all of the elements of the Christian life. Life is sometimes difficult, and we don't always enjoy our experiences. In spite of all the trials, God provides all that advent reminds us of. Hope, Joy, Peace.
Thanksgiving Blessings
We should all understand that God cares for those who truly follow His word and seek His will. The blessings that He pours out in our lives come in all sizes and types. Sharing God's blessings with fellow believers encourages all of us.
Building Bridges
As believers, we want to share with a needy world the peace and joy we've found in Christ. Unfortunately, our witness isn't always received well. We need to build bridges to those people, so they understand that our concern for them comes from a genuine love. The love of the Father.
True Faith
Our faith in God seems like folly to the world. They can't understand how we can turn our lives over to someone, or something that we can't see or feel. While they have a brand of faith with themselves as the center, we can know by our experiences that there is a God who loves and leads us.
True Truth
The world sees truth as fluid, ever changing. What truth is to one person is folly or unacceptable to another. As believers we have a stable truth. It's God's truth. A stable foundation on which to live our lives.
Walk, Not Run
Most people will tell you that their life is just too busy. The world wants to run through life trying to find something to satisfy them. The scriptures tell believers to trust God's plan for their lives and rest in Him
The True Church part5: Salt & Light
As believers we have three relationships that we need to manage. We have relationships with God, other Christians, and with the world. Scripture tells the believers to be examples of God's grace.
The True Church part4: Gathering
The true church is not a building, but people. The church spoken about in the book of Acts was a true community of believers. They did more than show up once a week for an hour or two and then go home.