While believers wait for Christ's return, we are told to do His work while there is still time.
The Problem of Evil
Evil is everywhere. We hear about it every day.
Not My Life, But His
How committed are we as believers? Would we really turn our lives completely over to Him?
Imprisoned Spirits
Those that have opposed God find themselves in eternal misery.
Should believers expect the world to accept the message we share? Probably not but we must bring it with love.
The Good Life
Does the world really offer the good life? The believer has a far better life to look forward to.
Submission part 4: In The Home - continued
Building a home isn't about the structure. It's about the people living inside.
Submission - part 3 - In The Home
Submitting to someone else is never easy. It doesn't really matter where.
Submission part 2 - At Work
Submission is sometimes a challenge on the job. that is especially true if conditions are hard or those over you make it difficult,
People seem to hate being under anyone's authority. But scripture makes it clear that it honors God by doing so.
Scripture says to "Set your minds on things above". There is a lot of information about heaven available to the believer. We should understand where we're going.
Life Plan
Peter touches on three things that will give us a direction for our lives.
Destined For
It's difficult for us to understand God's sovereignty and how He calls us to salvation
The Priesthood
Peter wrote that believers are "a holy priesthood." What exactly does that mean and what are the privileges and responsibilities for the believer?
We Are God's Temple
Scripture says that the Holy Spirit lives in us. God has better plans for us than just sitting and waiting for Christ's return.
Sharing Living Water
The world is a dry and desolate place. As believers we have the chance to offer it the unlimited supply of healing water that we received from God. How can we hesitate to help?
Encourage One Another
The scripture has a lot to say about how we are to treat one another. Love one another, be kind to one another, be patient with one another. It also instructs us to encourage one another.
Relating To God As Father
Do we see God as a loving Father? Or is He a God who just does things for us when we ask.
God Uses Unqualified People
Ever feel unprepared for the job God asks you to do? Many in scripture felt the same way, but God had a plan for them.
What is real worship? Rev. Tim Brokaw presents four things that will make our worship genuine and personal.