The fact of Christ's resurrection is often denied by those who don't believe. One undeniable fact is that the resurrection and the acceptance of Christ's lordship in our life changes us.
Palm Sunday 2024
The crowds in Jerusalem were excited to welcome Jesus. Finally, they would have a king that would throw out the Romans so that Israel would once again be a force in the world. That's what they expected, but that wasn't why Jesus was there.
Wrestling With God
Have you ever had a time in your life when you seem to be struggling with something and getting nowhere? Jacob wrestled with a man to the point of exhaustion and received a blessing.
Aware of the Unseen
Do we second guess God because we can't see Him working? Jacob thought that his efforts were creating the results that he saw. Until God explained it to him.
Misplaced Values
Jacob's life keeps getting more complicated. After being tricked by Laban into marrying both sisters, Jacob's house is in turmoil.
Blind Spot
Don't we love it when the conman gets conned? Jacob was always trying to get the upper hand of everyone around him. But he finally met his match when he visited his uncle, Laban.
Jacob's Ladder
Jacob always seemed to be looking out for himself. From tricking his brother to lying to his father he always seemed to be just in it for Jacob. When he met God he still wanted to negotiate a deal instead of worshiping the Holy One.
What About Me??
In spite of all of the blessings that God gave to Abraham's family they still acted selfish and self-centered. They are good examples of what NOT to do with all that God gives us.
Setting a Good Example
We all know that our children mimic many of their parent's actions. Abraham's descendants did that with similar, unfortunate results.
We know that our actions can, and often do, affect others around us. This is especially true for our children. What are we doing to guide them towards our Savior?
The providence of God is strong evidence of God's love for the believer.
Abundant Life
Are believers really living the fullest life that God intended for them? Or are we satisfied with the life we have? God wants us to live our lives in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Reasonable Faith
In spite of a bizarre command, Abraham knew that God would keep the promise that He had made. He didn't need to worry about to details.
Trusting God
Would we have the faith of Abraham? Isaac was his beloved son. The son of promise. But Abraham trusted God at His word, and God delivered him.
God's Greatest Gift
Often at Christmas we think about gifts. Either what we might get, or the gifts we will give to others. We should never forget about God's gift. He gave us Himself.
Desiring Peace
The world has been on a desperate search for peace. They can't seem to find it. That is because they are looking within their own desires. True peace can only be found in a life centered on Christ.
Child of Promise
God's plan for us might take a lot longer than we think it should. But the wait is always better than any plan we could think of.
Thanksgiving Praise 2023
Each day should be Thanksgiving Day for the believer. When the annual Thanksgiving Day comes around each year it reminds us to share our blessings with others. It gives the Christian family an open opportunity to share with non-believers God's goodness to us.
Clear Conscience, Clean Hands
A clear conscience is something that we all desire. But feeling that our conscience is clear, and our hands are clean from sin is not always the way things really are. The only way that we know that is true is to seek after God's will and be obedient to Him.
Recorded November 12th, 2023. Where does your loyalty lay? Most believers would say that it lies with Jesus Christ. But would your family, friends, and co-workers say the same about you? Maybe you have other "gods" in your life. Also, a brief presentation of the purely scientific, non-biblical evidence of the destruction of Sodam and Gomorrah.