Who are you? What is the image and personality you show to others? Allowing the world to shape our identity is dangerous. The world's values shift and change. The only way to be solidly grounded is to allow Jesus Christ to be the foundation of our life and values.
Adoption is a wonderful process. It joins couples with children, creating families. Families that allow a child without parents to be raised in a home with love and protection. This is what God has offered us. A loving relationship with love and care.
The Great Commission, Rev. Jim Halstead
One of the key instructions given to believers is to share their faith with others. Christians need to understand how important that is. We all need to take the initiative to spread the story of God's love.
Joseph's position in Egypt was God's plan to save His people. But the brothers had to make the decision to make the long difficult journey to bring their family to safety.
Revive Our Spirit
The story of Joseph and his brothers is one of evil deeds and repentance. What they did to their brother would seem to be unforgivable. But Joseph saw God's plan for his life and was willing to see it through.
The story of Joseph being sold into slavery is sad. Hated by his brothers, they would do anything to get rid of him. But God had plans for Joseph. One day Joseph saw how God was working through him.
Guilt: Confronted By Sin
Joseph's brothers had been hiding their sin from everyone. Except they couldn't forget what they had done. Ultimately, they had to face the consequences of their actions.
Pharaoh's Dream
Joseph always knew that God was with him. Even though he was falsely accused and stranded in prison, he trusted God's plan. When Pharaoh was troubled by a dream, he was told about Joseph's ability to give Pharaoh the answers he sought.
Gospel Centered Life
This sermon was presented on June 23rd, 2024' As believers we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives. But are the lives we live really God centered and pleasing to Him?
The Cupbearer and the Baker
A cupbearer and a baker don't sound like significant characters to us. But in ancient Egypt they were very important people. But when Joeseph met them in prison would they be a way out for him? Things didn't go exactly as he had hoped.
The Integrity of Faith
Joseph had lived at the extremes. Born into a wealthy family, sold into slavery by his brothers, and then living, with privilege, in the home of one of Pharaoh's officials. His life was about to take another unexpected turn. But he trusted God's plan and God saw him through.
Judah and Tamar
How does God use people to accomplish His purposes? The story of Judah and Tamar is a story about sinful, disobedient people that God used to move towards His plan of salvation.
The Evil of Envy and Jealousy
We are warned many times in scripture about our conduct as believers. Envy and jealousy are two of the things that can damage our witness.
Pentecost 2024
The event of Pentecost was a pivotal moment in the history of the church. The disciples didn't understand when Jesus told them that there would be another coming to comfort and strengthen them. The day of Pentecost changed everything.
The Ladies' Retreat
A group of ladies attended a spiritual weekend retreat hosted by the Great Lakes District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. They wanted to share some of their experiences.
Baptism is one of the two commands in the New Testament. But what is it and why is it so important to the believer?
God-Centered Living
Jacob told his household to get rid of their idols, clean themselves up and follow him to where God dwelt. Are our idols keeping us from going "where God dwells"? We all have something in our way. Are we willing to throw our idols in the trash in order to find God living in us?
Columbia 2024
Do missions really matter? Is it worth the effort to send teams out to spread God's story? It is to this young man. Chris Setser returned to the same village in rural Columbia and saw the impact of sharing God's plan of salvation.
Immorality and Injustice
Please note: All of scripture is God given to teach us about God and His way of salvation. However, scripture also tells us about some of the most deplorable, evil things that man is capable of. This is the case with Genesis 34. The content of this chapter is probably not for young ears to hear. Please be aware of its sensitive nature.
A Work In Progress
We all have those times when we wonder if we'll "ever learn" from our mistakes. God is always giving us opportunities to learn if we will listen to Him.